Peekskill Yacht Club Engages the Community
Recognizing its responsibilities to the local community, the PYC has always supported City of Peekskill activities. As early as 1909, club members were part of the Hudson-Fulton Celebration on the 300th anniversary of Henry Hudson’s discovery of the Hudson River. Today, the club regularly participates in city parades, celebrations and fund raisers such as Toys for Tots and local food pantry drives such as the annual Peekskill Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot.
The Club helps care for the city docks both at the Riverfront Green and boat launch, and hosts the city police boat in the yard The club also hosts the US Coast Guard Auxiliary, the city Garden Club and the Red Cross blood drives in the clubhouse.
The Club is proud to be the home port for the local Sea Scout youth sailing organization. The scouts use our clubhouse for meetings where they learn skills needed to navigate the Hudson and attend safe boating classes.
The Club looks forward to providing continued community support.